Wednesday, June 17, 2015

And Another Day, quiet and pleasant...

Random Person Warning... No grand ideas or incredible insights will be found in this series on the mundane aspects of my day. It is written for those non-random people who may have some interest or stake in how I am surviving alone for a couple of weeks...

Today was all about work as the pressure builds prior to vacation. But this blog is not about work, that would bore even me to try to write about it. But the pressure work gives extends beyond work. So the news, that today I made some good steps to getting needed tasks completed, makes my evening much more pleasant than it would have been. Outside of work...

Up later than normal. Pleasant time on the deck in the June gloom, but, alas, not enough time. To work by 9:00 a.m., long lunch with friends, and then home at 6:15 p.m. Leisurely trip to the hardware store for a light bulb and then home for a light dinner. But, alas, no one to light up my life on my arrival home.

Tree next door, brown leaves about
70ish feet from my deck. I included
it only because I liked the little man
sitting on the branch. It is about 35
feet off the ground so even though it
looks like a toy placed on the branch,
I pretty sure it's just sticks.
Since the sun was setting I was not able to complete the goal of comparing my newly acquired telephoto lens to my other telephoto lenses. No sunset pictures but here are a couple in what was poor light...
Standard test shot from my deck to a telephone pole 150 feet
or so away... 

The light was pretty bad but If you zoom in on the full resolution original there is a yellow sign just below the transformer (or ???) that reads, HIGH VOLTAGE. It is quite clear. I'd say my $10 investment was worth it. If other lenses win the comparison test I have no fear that I could sell it for
at least $10. Plus, if I hear the Surgeon General warn not to come within 150 feet of High Voltage signs, I will be all set to scan the neighborhood for hidden High Voltage signs.

So, today was a good day, quiet but good. That's it for now...

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